Usually, Finding Your Phone is a tedious task when you keep the device somewhere and later find it difficult to recollect where it was kept. Thus, Find My Phone feature must be enabled in such cases to discover your handset in such instances. Mostly this feature is always turned on during the time that the individual sets up the device, but in some instances it maybe manually turned off due to various reasons. Thus, using the tutorial below you can find the necessitated option from the method displayed below.
- At the beginning, you need to go to Settings. This can be accessed by going on the live tile or finding the same from the app list.
- Hereafter, head over to the Settings screen and scroll down to select the find my phone option.
- Thereupon, you need to turn on the specific option of “Use Find My Phone” option. Simply select this option and move the slider on the right side to turn this option on.
- Once the icon gets highlighted into colored option, then this feature is active.
- Next, you should go to the Windows Phone Page. Subsequently sign into your particular account which is employed on your device.
- Henceforth, you should click on the specific name present at the top to expand the menu and select the option choose Find My Phone.
- After this, when you go to Find My Phone page, three options are displayable for the user on the right hand side. These are Ring, Lock and Erase. Each option has its specific intended functionality dedicated on the basis of the particular task. The Ring option simply rings the device, thus it is good for the users to know where they have left their particular device. This option is rings the handset until you or some other person locks it. Utilizing the second option, the individual is facilitated to the option of locking the phone with the help of a PIN code. Plus, there is an additional option to send a message onto your phone. The final option is responsible for restoring the phone to the factory settings and this helps in erasing the contents off the phone. Thus, the entire content is wiped off from the device, including the accounts.
- However, you need to ensure cautious approach at this stage. This is because once this option gets selected, you don’t have the facility to locate your phone again as the account gets completely erased.
- Whenever you leave the location feature on, the map will aid your course in locating the device. This is done by simply pressing on Find my phone button which is present at the top and the location gets easily marked on the map.