Magur Maas Aru Narasingha Pator Anja (Cat Fish Cooked With Curry Leaves)

1 minute read

  1. Magur maas ( Cat fish) 250 gms. Clean and wash. Head should be discarded. Make some gashes in the body of the fish.
  2. Narasingha paat(curry leaves), wash very carefully repeatedly and grind to make paste about one cup.
  3. Finely chopped one Onion
  4. Finely chopped 5 pods Garlic
  5. Finely chopped about 1 inch Ginger
  6. Finely chopped 2 Green Chilli
  7. Salt
  8. Turmeric powder 1 teaspoonful
  9. Pepper: 2 teasoonful, coarsely pounded
  10. Mustard oil
First apply salt and turmeric to the fish. Heat oil in a pan and fry the fishes. Keep aside. Add some more oil and fry the onions till golden brown. Add garlic , ginger and green chilli. Fry it for two minutes. Now add the narasingha leave paste. Mix it thoroughly. Add 2 cups of water. Allow it to boil. Then add the fried fish in the curry. Add pepper powder and salt. Cook for about fifteen minutes till the gravy thickens.
To make it more attractive, heat little oil in a pan and fry few dry red chilli and curry leaves. Then add the mixture to fish curry. Serve this very delicious and nutritious dish with rice

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