How to Enable Task Manager?


Sometimes Windows Task Manager may be lost. Its due to the virus. The viruses often infected your PC and disable many functions. And its create many problems. Whenever you press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys the task manager appears on the screen. But if it is lost due to the virus then he may get a error message like above:

Here are few steps to recover the task manager. It's a very simple. Just follow the steps:

  1. Open Run (Press Start + R).
  2. Type gpedit.msc and hit enter.
  3. Now a windows named Local Group Policy Editor open.
  4. Click on Administrative Template under User Configuration.
  5. Now double click on System and then double click on Ctrl+Alt+Del Options.
  6. Double Click on Remove Task Manager.
  7. Now select Disable to activate Task Manager and hit OK button.
It works in Windows xp and Windows 7 and windows 8

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